GridFormat 0.2.1
I/O-Library for grid-like data structures
No Matches

Classes & functions related to grids and operations on them. More...

Detailed Description


file  image_grid.hpp
 Predefined image grid implementation.
file  concepts.hpp
 Grid concepts.
file  converter.hpp
 Converter between grid formats.
file  writer.hpp
 Base classes for grid data writers.
file  reader.hpp
 Base class for grid data readers.


concept  GridFormat::Concepts::EntitySet
 Basic concept all grids must fulfill. We must be able to iterate over a grid's cells & points.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::StructuredEntitySet
 Basic concept for all grids with a structured topology. We need to know the extents of the grid and need to be able to retrieve the location of a cell/point in the topology.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::ImageGrid
 Concept for grids to be used as image grids.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::RectilinearGrid
 Concept for grids to be used as rectilinear grids.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::StructuredGrid
 Concept for grids to be used as structured grids.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::UnstructuredGrid
 Concept for grids to be used as unstructured grids.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::Grid
 Concept a type that fulfills any of the grid interfaces.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::PointFunction
 Concept for functions invocable with grid points, usable as point field data.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::CellFunction
 Concept for functions invocable with grid cells, usable as cell field data.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::GridFactory
 Concept for grid factories, to allow for convenient creation of grids from grid files.


class  GridFormat::ImageGrid< dim, CoordinateType >
 Predefined grid implementation that represents a structured, equispaced grid. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterOptions
 Options that writer implementations can pass to the base class. More...
class  GridFormat::GridWriterBase< G >
 Base class for all writer implementations. More...
class  GridFormat::GridWriter< Grid >
 Abstract base class for grid file writers. More...
class  GridFormat::TimeSeriesGridWriter< Grid >
 Abstract base class for time series file writers. More...
class  GridFormat::GridReader
 Abstract base class for all readers, defines the common interface. More...


template<std::derived_from< GridReader > Reader, ConverterDetail::WriterFactory Factory>
std::string GridFormat::convert (const Reader &reader, const std::string &filename, const Factory &factory)
 Convert between grid formats.
template<std::derived_from< GridReader > Reader, ConverterDetail::TimeSeriesWriterFactory Factory, std::invocable< std::size_t, const std::string & > StepCallBack = decltype([] (std::size_t, const std::string&) {})>
std::string GridFormat::convert (Reader &reader, const Factory &factory, const StepCallBack &call_back={})
 Overload for time series formats.

Function Documentation

◆ convert() [1/2]

template<std::derived_from< GridReader > Reader, ConverterDetail::WriterFactory Factory>
std::string GridFormat::convert ( const Reader reader,
const std::string &  filename,
const Factory &  factory 
readerA grid reader on which a file was opened.
factoryA factory to construct a writer with the desired output format.
filenameThe name of the file to be written.

◆ convert() [2/2]

template<std::derived_from< GridReader > Reader, ConverterDetail::TimeSeriesWriterFactory Factory, std::invocable< std::size_t, const std::string & > StepCallBack = decltype([] (std::size_t, const std::string&) {})>
std::string GridFormat::convert ( Reader reader,
const Factory &  factory,
const StepCallBack &  call_back = {} 
readerA grid reader on which a file was opened.
factoryA factory to construct a time series writer with the desired output format.
call_back(optional) A callback that is invoked after writing each step.