GridFormat 0.2.1
I/O-Library for grid-like data structures
No Matches
writer.hpp File Reference

Base classes for grid data writers. More...

#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <ranges>
#include <fstream>
#include <ostream>
#include <concepts>
#include <type_traits>
#include <gridformat/parallel/communication.hpp>
#include <gridformat/common/type_traits.hpp>
#include <gridformat/common/precision.hpp>
#include <gridformat/common/concepts.hpp>
#include <gridformat/common/field_storage.hpp>
#include <gridformat/common/range_field.hpp>
#include <gridformat/common/scalar_field.hpp>
#include <gridformat/common/logging.hpp>
#include <gridformat/grid/grid.hpp>
#include <gridformat/grid/_detail.hpp>
#include <gridformat/grid/entity_fields.hpp>

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struct  GridFormat::Traits::WritesConnectivity< Writer >
 Can be specialized by writers in case the file format does not contain connectivity information. More...
struct  GridFormat::Traits::CommunicatorAccess< Writer >
 Can be specialized by parallel writers to expose their underlying communicator. More...
struct  GridFormat::Traits::CommunicatorAccess< Writer >
 Default specialization for writers that have a communicator() function. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterOptions
 Options that writer implementations can pass to the base class. More...
class  GridFormat::GridWriterBase< G >
 Base class for all writer implementations. More...
class  GridFormat::GridWriter< Grid >
 Abstract base class for grid file writers. More...
class  GridFormat::TimeSeriesGridWriter< Grid >
 Abstract base class for time series file writers. More...