GridFormat 0.2.1
I/O-Library for grid-like data structures
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gridformat.hpp File Reference

This file is the entrypoint to the high-level API exposing all provided readers/writers through a unified interface. More...

Detailed Description

The individual writer can also be used directly, for instance, if one wants to minimize compile times. All available writers can be seen in the lists of includes of this file. For instructions on how to use the API, have a look at the readme or the provided examples.

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::FormatWithOptions< Format, Opts >
 Base class for formats taking options. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKXMLFormatBase< VTKFormat >
 Base class for VTK-XML formats. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::Any
 Selector for an unspecified file format. When using this format, GridFormat will automatically select a format or deduce from a file being read, for instance. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::AnyTimeSeries
 Time series variant of the Any format selector. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTI
 Selector for the .vti/.pvti image grid file format to be passed to the Writer. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTR
 Selector for the .vtr/.pvtr rectilinear grid file format to be passed to the Writer. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTS
 Selector for the .vts/.pvts structured grid file format to be passed to the Writer. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTP
 Selector for the .vtp/.pvtp file format for two-dimensional unstructured grids. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTU
 Selector for the .vtu/.pvtu file format for general unstructured grids. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKXMLTimeSeries< VTX >
 Selector for a time series of any VTK-XML format. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFImage
 Selector for the vtk-hdf file format for image grids. For more information, see here. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFImageTransient
 Transient variant of the vtk-hdf image data format. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFUnstructured
 Selector for the vtk-hdf file format for unstructured grids. For more information, see here. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFUnstructuredTransient
 Transient variant of the vtk-hdf unstructured grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFTransient
 Selector for the transient vtk-hdf file format with automatic deduction of the flavour. If the grid for which a writer is constructed is an image grid, it selects the image-grid flavour, otherwise it selects the flavour for unstructured grids (which requires the respective traits to be specialized). More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDF
 Selector for the vtk-hdf file format with automatic deduction of the flavour. If the grid for which a writer is constructed is an image grid, it selects the image-grid flavour, otherwise it selects the flavour for unstructured grids (which requires the respective traits to be specialized). More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::PVD< PieceFormat >
 Selector for the .pvd file format for a time series. For more information, see here. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::PVDClosure
 Closure for selecting the .pvd file format. Takes a VTK-XML format and returns an instance of PVD. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::TimeSeriesClosure
 Closure for time series format selection. Takes a sequential format and returns a time series variant. More...
struct  GridFormat::Traits::WritesConnectivity< APIDetail::SequentialOrParallelReader< S, P > >
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTI >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the .vti format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTI >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the .vti format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTR >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the .vtr format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTR >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the .vtr format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTS >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the .vts format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTS >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the .vts format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTP >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the .vtp format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTP >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the .vtp format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTU >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the .vtu format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTU >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the .vtu format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTKXMLTimeSeries< F > >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for vtk-xml time series. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFImage >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the vtk-hdf image grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFImage >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the vtk-hdf image grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFImageTransient >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the transient vtk-hdf image grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFImageTransient >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the transient vtk-hdf image grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFUnstructured >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the vtk-hdf unstructured grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFUnstructured >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the vtk-hdf unstructured grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFUnstructuredTransient >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the transient vtk-hdf unstructured grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFUnstructuredTransient >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the vtk-hdf unstructured grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDF >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the vtk-hdf file format with automatic flavour selection. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDF >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the vtk-hdf file format with automatic flavour selection. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFTransient >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the transient vtk-hdf file format with automatic flavour selection. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::VTKHDFTransient >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the transient vtk-hdf file format with automatic flavour selection. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::PVD< F > >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the .pvd time series format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::PVD< PieceFormat > >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the .pvd time series file format. More...
struct  GridFormat::ReaderFactory< FileFormat::PVDClosure >
 Specialization of the ReaderFactory for the .pvd time series closure type. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::Any >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the any format selector. More...
struct  GridFormat::WriterFactory< FileFormat::AnyTimeSeries >
 Specialization of the WriterFactory for the time series variant of the any format selector. More...
struct  GridFormat::ConversionOptions< OutFormat, InFormat >
 Options for format conversions. More...


template<typename OutFormat , typename InFormat , typename Communicator = None>
std::string GridFormat::convert (const std::string &in, const std::string &out, const ConversionOptions< OutFormat, InFormat > &opts, const Communicator &communicator={})
 Convert between parallel grid file formats.
template<Concepts::Grid G>
constexpr auto GridFormat::Formats::default_for ()
 Selects a default format suitable to write the given grid.
template<Concepts::Grid G>
constexpr auto GridFormat::Formats::default_for (const G &)
 Selects a default format suitable to write the given grid.


constexpr GridFormat::NullCommunicator GridFormat::null_communicator
 Null communicator that can be used e.g. to read parallel file formats sequentially.
File Format Selectors
constexpr FileFormat::Any GridFormat::Formats::any
constexpr FileFormat::VTI GridFormat::Formats::vti
constexpr FileFormat::VTR GridFormat::Formats::vtr
constexpr FileFormat::VTS GridFormat::Formats::vts
constexpr FileFormat::VTP GridFormat::Formats::vtp
constexpr FileFormat::VTU GridFormat::Formats::vtu
constexpr FileFormat::PVD GridFormat::Formats::pvd
constexpr FileFormat::PVDClosure GridFormat::Formats::pvd_with
constexpr FileFormat::TimeSeriesClosure GridFormat::Formats::time_series
constexpr FileFormat::VTKHDF GridFormat::Formats::vtk_hdf
constexpr FileFormat::VTKHDFTransient GridFormat::Formats::vtk_hdf_transient