GridFormat 0.2.1
I/O-Library for grid-like data structures
No Matches
vtk Directory Reference


file  appendix.hpp [code]
 Helper classes for writing VTK appendices of xml formats.
file  attributes.hpp [code]
 Helper functions to get the VTK-specific names of things.
file  common.hpp [code]
 Common functionality for VTK writers.
file  data_array.hpp [code]
file  hdf_common.hpp [code]
 Common functionality for writing VTK HDF files.
file  hdf_image_grid_reader.hpp [code]
 Reader for the VTK HDF file format for image grids.
file  hdf_image_grid_writer.hpp [code]
 Writer for the VTK HDF file format for image grids.
file  hdf_reader.hpp [code]
 Readers for the VTK HDF file formats.
file  hdf_unstructured_grid_reader.hpp [code]
 Reader for the VTK HDF file format for unstructured grids.
file  hdf_unstructured_grid_writer.hpp [code]
 Writer for the VTK HDF file format for unstructured grids.
file  hdf_writer.hpp [code]
 Writers for the VTK HDF file formats.
file  parallel.hpp [code]
 Helper function for writing parallel VTK files.
file  pvd_reader.hpp [code]
file  pvd_writer.hpp [code]
file  pvti_reader.hpp [code]
file  pvti_writer.hpp [code]
file  pvtp_reader.hpp [code]
file  pvtp_writer.hpp [code]
file  pvtr_reader.hpp [code]
file  pvtr_writer.hpp [code]
file  pvts_reader.hpp [code]
file  pvts_writer.hpp [code]
file  pvtu_reader.hpp [code]
file  pvtu_writer.hpp [code]
file  pxml_reader.hpp [code]
file  vti_reader.hpp [code]
file  vti_writer.hpp [code]
file  vtp_reader.hpp [code]
file  vtp_writer.hpp [code]
file  vtr_reader.hpp [code]
file  vtr_writer.hpp [code]
file  vts_reader.hpp [code]
file  vts_writer.hpp [code]
file  vtu_reader.hpp [code]
file  vtu_writer.hpp [code]
file  xml.hpp [code]
 Helper classes and functions for VTK XML-type file format writers & readers.
file  xml_time_series_writer.hpp [code]