GridFormat 0.4.0
I/O-Library for grid-like data structures
No Matches
GridFormat::DolfinX::LagrangePolynomialGrid Class Reference

Wrapper around a nodal dolfinx::FunctionSpace, exposing it as a mesh composed of lagrange elements with the order of the given function space.

#include <dolfinx.hpp>

Public Member Functions

 LagrangePolynomialGrid (const dolfinx::fem::FunctionSpace &space)
void update (const dolfinx::fem::FunctionSpace &space)
void clear ()
std::integral auto number_of_points () const
std::integral auto number_of_cells () const
std::integral auto number_of_cell_points () const
std::int64_t id (const Point &p) const
auto position (const Point &p) const
std::ranges::range auto points () const
std::ranges::range auto points (const Cell &cell) const
std::ranges::range auto cells () const
template<int rank = 0, int dim = 3, Concepts::Scalar T>
auto evaluate (const dolfinx::fem::Function< T > &f, const Cell &c) const
template<int rank = 0, int dim = 3, Concepts::Scalar T>
auto evaluate (const dolfinx::fem::Function< T > &f, const Point &p) const
auto cell_type () const
template<Concepts::Scalar T>
bool is_compatible (const dolfinx::fem::Function< T > &f) const

Static Public Member Functions

static LagrangePolynomialGrid from (const dolfinx::fem::FunctionSpace &space)

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