GridFormat 0.2.1
I/O-Library for grid-like data structures
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File Formats

Classes representing the available file formats. For predefined selectors, see Format Selectors. More...

Detailed Description

Recent versions of VTK/ParaView are required to properly read and render the VTK-HDF file formats. The transient versions should be available in VTK>=9.3.0 and ParaView>=5.12.0 (see KitWare blog). Moreover, several bug fixes related to reading cell and field data from VTK-HDF files for image grids have recently been incorporated into the main branch of VTK and may not be included in earlier versions.


struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::Any
 Selector for an unspecified file format. When using this format, GridFormat will automatically select a format or deduce from a file being read, for instance. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::AnyTimeSeries
 Time series variant of the Any format selector. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTI
 Selector for the .vti/.pvti image grid file format to be passed to the Writer. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTR
 Selector for the .vtr/.pvtr rectilinear grid file format to be passed to the Writer. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTS
 Selector for the .vts/.pvts structured grid file format to be passed to the Writer. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTP
 Selector for the .vtp/.pvtp file format for two-dimensional unstructured grids. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTU
 Selector for the .vtu/.pvtu file format for general unstructured grids. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKXMLTimeSeries< VTX >
 Selector for a time series of any VTK-XML format. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFImage
 Selector for the vtk-hdf file format for image grids. For more information, see here. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFImageTransient
 Transient variant of the vtk-hdf image data format. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFUnstructured
 Selector for the vtk-hdf file format for unstructured grids. For more information, see here. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFUnstructuredTransient
 Transient variant of the vtk-hdf unstructured grid format. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDFTransient
 Selector for the transient vtk-hdf file format with automatic deduction of the flavour. If the grid for which a writer is constructed is an image grid, it selects the image-grid flavour, otherwise it selects the flavour for unstructured grids (which requires the respective traits to be specialized). More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::VTKHDF
 Selector for the vtk-hdf file format with automatic deduction of the flavour. If the grid for which a writer is constructed is an image grid, it selects the image-grid flavour, otherwise it selects the flavour for unstructured grids (which requires the respective traits to be specialized). More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::PVD< PieceFormat >
 Selector for the .pvd file format for a time series. For more information, see here. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::PVDClosure
 Closure for selecting the .pvd file format. Takes a VTK-XML format and returns an instance of PVD. More...
struct  GridFormat::FileFormat::TimeSeriesClosure
 Closure for time series format selection. Takes a sequential format and returns a time series variant. More...