GridFormat 0.2.1
I/O-Library for grid-like data structures
No Matches

Encoders that can be used for I/O. More...

Detailed Description


file  ascii.hpp
 Encoder and stream using ascii.
file  base64.hpp
 Encoder and stream using base64.
file  concepts.hpp
 Concepts related to data encoding.
file  encoded_field.hpp
 Wraps a field and makes it streamable using encoding.
file  raw.hpp
 Encoder and stream for raw binary output.


concept  GridFormat::Concepts::Encoder
 Encoders allow wrapping of an output stream, yielding a stream that allows writing spans of data to it.
concept  GridFormat::Concepts::Decoder
 Decoders allow decoding spans of characters or directly from an input stream.


struct  GridFormat::AsciiFormatOptions
 Options for fomatted output of ranges with ascii encoding. More...
class  GridFormat::AsciiOutputStream< OStream >
 Wrapper around a given stream to write formatted ascii output. More...
struct  GridFormat::Encoding::Ascii
 Ascii encoder. More...
struct  GridFormat::Base64Decoder
struct  GridFormat::Base64EncoderOptions
 Options for formatted output of ranges with base64 encoding. More...
class  GridFormat::Base64Stream< OStream >
 Wrapper around a given stream to write output encoded with base64. More...
struct  GridFormat::Encoding::Base64
 Base64 encoder. More...
class  GridFormat::EncodedField< F, Encoder >
 Wraps a field and makes it streamable using encoding. More...
struct  GridFormat::RawDecoder
 For compatibility with Base64. More...
class  GridFormat::RawBinaryStream< OStream >
 Wrapper around a given stream to write raw binary data. More...
struct  GridFormat::Encoding::RawBinary
 Raw binary encoder. More...


constexpr Ascii GridFormat::Encoding::ascii
 Instance of the ascii encoder.
constexpr Base64 GridFormat::Encoding::base64
 Instance of the base64 encoder.
constexpr RawBinary GridFormat::Encoding::raw
 Instance of the raw binary encoder.